Hardware compatibility

美 [ˈhɑːrdwer kəmˌpætəˈbɪləti]英 [ˈhɑːdweə(r) kəmˌpætəˈbɪləti]
  • 网络硬件兼容性
Hardware compatibilityHardware compatibility
  1. In the design process , some important and difficult problems of carrying out are solved such as how to measure high-power pump and flow , hardware compatibility , signal acquisition and processing , and anti-interference technology .


  2. Linux is a free source code operating system which is like Unix and can support multitask , multi user and multi process , it also has some good qualities , such as good real time , high stability and strong hardware compatibility .


  3. This simplification can be referred to as hardware compatibility through software homogeneity .


  4. Check the Red Hat Hardware Compatibility List , as discussed in the section of the same name , for the latest information .


  5. The spatial lamination method proposed in this paper proves to be an effective way to solve the problem with high speed , good hardware compatibility and adjustable property .


  6. However , if you want the option of being able to contact Red Hat for support , you should stay within the'supported'list of the Red Hat Hardware Compatibility List .


  7. The most important issues include any that block Setup from proceeding or any that are related to hardware compatibility . Works with all of today 's hardware and peripherals .


  8. The design for software and hardware compatibility on relevantly Encrypt Data Module Interface has been realized , so as to make the form of encrypt algorithm exist with hardware or software package .


  9. Driver and hardware support compatibility ensures that you can use your chosen system with the operating system you want to use .


  10. Second , the device must pass through a strict hardware and software compatibility suite of tests .


  11. This hardware / software compatibility information is usually found in the Requirements section on the back of the box of each product .
